Quick, easy, and completely custom! Custom shaped cards stand out and turn heads. Whether printed on clear stock, frosted stock, or traditional white stock, your cards will have an amazing impact and ensure that you’re remembered.
Design and order any custom shape you can imagine. Our incredible graphic design team can help you through the process, or you can submit a pre-made shape to use. Custom shapes are perfect for business cards, gift cards, loyalty cards, door hangers, parking passes and more!
At CARDSource we offer low minimums and quick turnarounds so we can get your custom shaped pieces out the door and into your hands.
Although your card will be a unique shape, they are still extremely durable. Our plastic cards are laminated with a durable coating to ensure your new project lasts through a coffee spill or bending.
We can add luggage and hole punches to all card shapes, we just ask that they remain 3/16 from the card edge.