Most of your competitors already have a gift card program in place because they’re a cost-effective way to make extra revenue, create loyal customers and spread brand awareness. Here are 8 things your competitors can teach you about creating a successful gift card program.
- Marketing Gift Cards
There are multiple ways to successfully market gift cards. Include them into monthly emails, have them available within an online store, have them available at register, or spread awareness by letting your customers know that you offer them. Marketing your gift cards is an important part of having a gift card program, your customers need to know you offer them.
- Using Gift Cards for Refunds
Gift cards are the perfect tool to use when settling disputes. Using a gift card for a refund or to please a customer encourages them to continue doing business with you.
- Using Gift Cards in Reward/ Loyalty Programs
If you already have a reward or loyalty program in place, gift cards are the perfect addition to create happy customers. If they reach a certain level or earn enough points; you could offer a gift card to reward them for being a loyal customer.
- Using for Promotions
If you’re having a blow-out sale, promoting a survey or are selling a huge product or service; offer a gift card as a promotional reward. Using gift cards in direct mailing campaigns can help new customers find your business. Gift cards make for great promotional items because people often spend way more than the gift card’s value, giving you even more revenue and customer loyalty.
- Social Media Contest Prizes
Whether it’s a contest on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or whichever social media channels your company is utilizing; gift cards make for the perfect prize. If they guess how many fishes are in the jar, or if they give you information to enter into the contest, offer a gift card as a reward. Contest causes excitement, they’re a great tool to get your customers engaged in your brand.
- Having Gift Cards Available for Every Holiday
This is an important point. Having gift cards available for every holiday creates an opportunity for consumers to use your businesses products or services as a gift. Gift cards are one of the easiest gifts to give; and you could be missing out on a huge customer base by not offering them around holidays. You can check out our holiday collection for more design ideas.
- Having Creative Designs
If you see a beautifully designed gift card verses one with a pixelated logo, you’d choose the beautiful card, right? Consumers often choose products based how it looks, the same works with gift cards. Spending extra time or money on creating an awesome gift card design is completely worth it. We have over 30 designs in our online store, free for you to use.
- Unused Gift Cards Are Pure Profit
There’s a large number of gift cards that are never used, this is pure profit for your business. This is one of the added perks of having a gift card program.
Gift cards are a product that consumers continuously demand; just think about how many gift cards you receive for various occasions or holidays. Keep these 8 tips on hand so you can maximize on your gift card program. If you have even more ways that you leverage gift cards, let us know in the comments!
If you want to learn more about how to implement a gift card program in your business, download our FREE Ultimate Gift Card Guide for Business Owners, or give us a shout. We are happy to help!