Kayla Latterell

Kayla Latterell
Graphic Designer

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CARDSource Donates to Lewis House

CARDSource is recognizing moms that need some extra help through Lewis House program.

360 Communities Lewis House is a safe haven for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. Since 1979, more than 75,000 survivors have benefited from their services, which promotes violence prevention, school success, and self-sufficiency. By donating to this community, we've made the future brighter for women and children experiencing domestic violence.

Cool New Event Credentials

We have event credentials to make your event even more memorable.

Boost your brand, or your customers with event credentials that stand out! Our conference passes can be designed to include printed schedules—a great way to add value and convenience. Concert passes can include tear-off drink tickets. Our event passes can include tear-off tickets or backstage and pit crew admissions. These laminated, plastic passes are so high in quality, they double as a keepsake for the event participants.

Smokies Membership Cards

Fun Baseball Membership Card

Tennessee Smokies are a minor league baseball team. We printed different background colors to determine their different levels of membership. This level has a nice bright red color which looks great behind their logo.

We Can Match and Attach Your Cards!

Do you have a complex mail project requiring matching and attaching?

CARDSource has 40+ years of experience providing solutions to the most complex match affixing and mailing challenges. Cards are definitely not all that we do!

What Are Magnetic Stripes?


Magnetic stripe technology has been around for 40+ years, and more magnetic stripe cards are produced today than ever before. However, there is still widespread misunderstanding about magnetic stripes and their role in bank and gift card transactions.

Magnetic stripes are thin layers of ferrous oxide applied to the surface of the card. Each oxide particle has a magnetic north and magnetic south pole. When first applied to the surface of the card, the arrangement of these particles is totally random, the stripe is magnetically neutral and is said to be “un-encoded” or blank. To add information to the magnetic stripe, the oxide particles are forced to align with their magnetic poles in the same direction. By periodically reversing the direction of the alignment this “encoding” creates a pattern of transitions between north south magnetic fields. It is these transitions that are read and interpreted as data.

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Plastic Card Solutions: A Guide to Quality

Understand the differences in quality for plastic cards and printing companies. We touch on quality, price, risk assessment and trustworthiness! Get your free copy!

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Recent Posts

Press Release - CARDSource DE&I Accreditation

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Spring is in the air!

Warmer weather has reached us here in Minnesota and the CARDSource crew is ready for your spring projects! We have been busy over the past few months ...

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CARDSource is a Great Printer!

CARDSource has earned Great Printer Status! We are really excited to share our Certification in the Printing Industry Midwest (PIM) Great Printer Envi...

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